Pardon the pun.

So hey you guys! I got turned on to a cool new (to me) webcomic! You like pirate webcomics, right? SURE YOU DO. Well, why don’t you just sail on over to Strangebeard by Kelly Tindall! It’s the epic tale of a young girl, pirate possession, and the search for lost pirate artifacts (now WAIT a minute, that last bit sounds familiar…) It’s pretty new, so it’s easy to jump on in. The best part is, it updates Tuesdays and Thursdays! I KNOW, RIGHT? I update Wednesdays and Fridays! It’s like you could be reading piratey goodness almost EVERY DAY of the work week!

Have a look at my new webcomic buddy’s work! I know he posted about Catbeard yesterday too, so if any of you reading this are from that site, welcome! Thanks for coming over! Let’s have grog sometime! And many thanks to my friend Peter Foglesong for pointing this one out!